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Why Should You Study English?

Why Should You Study English?

Why English? This is a good question.

First things first. English is not a better language than any other language.
It is not more poetic or more practical or even more beautiful than say French or Spanish or even Welsh!

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Active Learning Tactics for Higher Education

A Teacher’s Toolbox: Active Learning Tactics for Higher Education

Think back to your school days, all the way to the beginning. Which classes were your favourites? When you recall the class activities that made you most excited, what comes to mind? Maybe you loved science classes with hands-on experiments—mixing chemicals in the laboratory to see what the reaction would be or dissecting frogs to discover how all the pieces fit together like a fantastically engineered machine.

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Active Learning Activities for Higher Education

Active Learning Activities for Higher Education

Back in the Middle Ages, a book was a rare, priceless object. The art of bookmaking required a team of highly skilled scribes, illuminators and binders. Each book cost a small fortune. Only the wealthiest members of society were able to own books, and even then, the number of books you were able to own or gain access to was limited by practical considerations. As of September 2023, the internet contains 4.3 billion pages of content, accessible to virtually everyone. Those Medieval Europeans would consider today’s wide-sweeping access to knowledge an embarrassment of riches. But knowledge does not equal understanding.

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