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When Values Align, The Stars Align & Innovation is Inevitable

When Values Align, The Stars Align & Innovation is Inevitable

Recruiting the Best and Brightest of the Next Generation of Leaders

In my previous post How to Catch a Star” I introduced one of the biggest driving forces in recruiting, supporting and achieving with the emerging generation of young university graduates. That force: individuality. Today’s graduates want to feel valued for who they are as a person and what they bring to the spaces they occupy. As we saw and discussed in that post, this desire to recognised and respected as an individual and to be invited to thrive by leaning into those points of individuality…well, it’s a basic desire most of us share. 

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Bridging the Gap: Employers and the Next Generation

Bridging the Gap: Employers and the Next Generation

As an educator, I work with passionate and brilliant young people every day.

At educational institutions like AIHM, we learn as our students learn, because we take a lifelong approach to our personal and professional development. In settings like this you can enjoy a journey of constant discovery and fresh inspiration. In many ways, the emerging generation of future leaders stand out as radically different from those who came before. Academic research studies and the anecdotal experience of professors and others who interact closely with today’s young adults confirm that when it comes to those who are now entering the workforce their aspirations, values and career goals stand in stark contrast to the generations that have come before.

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