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Public Speaking, One Step at a Time

Public Speaking, One Step at a Time

If you’re scared of heights, would you rush to the top of a ladder? An experienced construction worker or someone who cleans the windows of skyscrapers for a living would be happy to just hop on the ladder and zoom their way up to the top. They’re used to it. Climbing up to a lofty height is something they’ve done many times before. We can use this as a comparison to public speaking.

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Getting Typsy with Tip: Enhancing Learning with Online Media

Getting Typsy with Tip: Enhancing Learning with Online Media

If you’re my age, you remember learning in school on a slate chalkboard and an abacus. A “computer” sounded like a strange, cute little creature. And the internet? Is that a tool for catching fish?

I’m joking. Mostly! But the tools available for learners today have evolved dramatically. Today’s young people have the opportunity to learn in so many new and different ways. As educators, we have the possibility and the responsibility to turbo-boost our students’ learning with a wide range of modern tactics and up-to-date technology.

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Customer Service Excellence is the Key to Success

Why Customer Service Excellence is the Key to Success

Imagine losing 89% of your customers after a single bad experience. Guess what? You don’t have to merely imagine it. That's the reality. (Customer Experience Impact Report, Oracle) When businesses neglect customer service excellence, the impacts are dire​​. This statistic may sound dramatic at first glance, but think about it for a moment and it makes total sense. Consider your own experience. When you receive bad customer service once, how often do you never go back to that business again?

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