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Tip Tirakanirunkul

Tip is a culinary maestro who began her career running one of London’s most upscale bakeries in the ritzy Chelsea area, while also formally qualifying in International Culinary Arts at the University of West London. In 2011, she was recruited to teach at the Novelli Academy – thus began her career in education. As well as instilling a passion in her students for culinary arts, she also taught them the practical skills needed to run large daily operations, based on her years in the catering business. In 2017, she moved back to Thailand to teach Hospitality Management at Stamford University. K. Tip now joins the AIHM team as a lecturer in Practical Arts.

Getting Typsy with Tip: Enhancing Learning with Online Media

Getting Typsy with Tip: Enhancing Learning with Online Media

If you’re my age, you remember learning in school on a slate chalkboard and an abacus. A “computer” sounded like a strange, cute little creature. And the internet? Is that a tool for catching fish?

I’m joking. Mostly! But the tools available for learners today have evolved dramatically. Today’s young people have the opportunity to learn in so many new and different ways. As educators, we have the possibility and the responsibility to turbo-boost our students’ learning with a wide range of modern tactics and up-to-date technology.

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