Harmony: Where Balance and Equality Meet
Harmony is achieved when balance and equality coexist, fostering collaboration and growth in both personal and professional spheres. In the hospitality and management industries, true harmony requires recognising diverse strengths, navigating challenges together, and valuing each individual’s contribution. This blog, in honour of International Women’s Day, explores how empowerment, inclusivity, and mentorship create environments where individuals and organisations thrive. At AIHM, we are committed to equipping future leaders with the knowledge and support to build a more equitable and harmonious industry.
Harmony is Where Balance & Equality Can Meet
As I was reflecting with my husband about my writing process in preparation to celebrate the amazing women in our community he responded with, “Harmony is where balance and equality can meet.”
This is as applicable in the collaborations that make communities great just as much as it is in a relationship.
In successful partnerships, each individual thrives when they are valued and celebrated because of the different strengths that they bring to each table that they sit at, and when support is needed, either to grow as a person or to grow an organisation, it is our differences that make us compatible, complimentary and collaborative. With these ingredients in place there can be harmony.
Is it easy to arrive at this place?
At times it is and at times it isn't, seeking to create a harmonious life and career isn’t about only positive things. It’s also about the hard stuff that you go through and grow through, together.
To create harmony, balance and equality in spaces like hospitality and management we have to acknowledge the hard things that are present in careers like this, long hours and the attention to detail that is needed to provide service excellence in an array of ways for teams, brands, organisations and of course, our customers or guests. And we also have to acknowledge amazing things that happen and the people that bring it all together. International Women’s Day is a time to celebrate the remarkable contributions of women across industries and to have important conversations that can empower each of us.
Empowerment in Hospitality & Management
Women are founding companies, leading in innovation and community building; through their individual efforts and through the power of collaboration, the future is shaped by the actions each of us take throughout industries around the globe. Here at AIHM, our intention is to create a learning environment that is both engaging and inclusive to empower future leaders in hospitality and management through the power of collaboration.
The way we do this begins by asking questions.
💡Before reading ahead, I encourage you to reflect on your own answers to the questions that we shared with our community:
Inspiring Words from Women in Our Community
This is How We #AIHMHigher, Together
At AIHM, we bring together professionals and aspiring hospitality and management leaders at all stages of their career through international-quality education, industry connections, and real-world experiences. Our hope is that our students, including many talented young women, and professionals who are lifelong learners that have accomplished so much in their careers, are equipped with the skills, confidence and tools to excel in their careers, inspired by leaders like you have heard from in the above quotes.
“No one has their dreams by accident. Your dreams choose you so that you can create them into reality. Join us to AIHM Higher together, you weren’t meant to do this alone.” - Samantha Lauver-Marion, Asian Institute of Hospitality & Management