Meet the Instructor: Gavin Tiffin

At the Asian Institute of Hospitality Management, we’re proud to be offering some of the most intensive hospitality training in the region. Guided by our passionate instructors, AIHM’s students gain an unparalleled understanding and real-world experience of the global hospitality industry. Our faculty develop and inspire the hospitality managers, entrepreneurs and innovators who will lead the industry in the years ahead.
AIHM’s Meet the Instructor series is your chance to get to know AIHM’s hospitality instructors even better. We speak with faculty to discover their favourite topics to teach, their experience in hotels and resorts before entering academia, their hobbies, the things they love most about teaching AIHM’s students and more!
Get to know Gavin Tiffin below.
Gavin Tiffin, Lecturer in Hospitality Management
Before relocating to Thailand in 2018, Gavin held senior roles in hospitality enterprises throughout the UK. A trained chef and specialist in F&B management, he spent years honing his talents in a wealth of hospitality-related roles. Gavin has experienced a wide range of facets in delivering hospitality and shares the insights he’s gained in these roles with his students at AIHM. From establishing his own restaurant to working as a hospitality manager within the public sector, he’s explored a range of hospitality careers.
He's also dedicated himself to teaching English to tomorrow’s hospitality leaders. Having trained in the pedagogy of teaching English as a foreign language to complement his hospitality management education and experience, he teaches in AIHM’s English for Business and Academic Studies programme in addition to the BBA curriculum, where he leads courses in the Culinary Arts and other topics from Academic Communications to Food and Beverage Management to Hospitality Facilities Management.
Q&A with Gavin Tiffin
Give us 4 adjectives you would use to describe yourself.
- Diplomatic
- Inquisitive
- Resourceful
- Independent

What is your dream vacation?
For me, the biggest joy of travel comes in exploring new destinations. The world is a vast place. I am not really one for returning to the same place. I’d much rather try a new destination.
A dream holiday for me would always be a holiday to somewhere new.
What inspires you?
Easy answer – students. Why else to be a teacher, other than to be inspired and amazed by the students as they progress through their learning?
If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would you share?
Exactly that point: pass on the wisdom. Everyone is unique and has their own skills sets. Never be afraid or embarrassed to share your knowledge with others. We all have different backgrounds, different experiences, different insights.
I love helping my students develop the confidence to express their unique knowledge and viewpoints with others.
What are your biggest hobbies or interests outside the classroom?
Those who know me know it is running. Running is my way of refreshing my brain. It’s a chance to get out and unwind.
I never run with music. Instead, I just allow myself to have the freedom and time to take in my own thoughts.
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