Enriching Your Life at AIHM

Beyond the Walls: Enrichment at AIHM
Throughout our lives, we often split areas of knowledge into neat little categories. We build up artificial walls between subjects. The same can happen in the workplace. We split people into teams. You’re in marketing? You’ve got your marketing blinders on. Working in human resources? HR goggles. The real world is all connected. Want to be an innovator? Ready to bring a fresh perspective? Want to bring down those artificial walls and discover new connections? AIHM is ready to help you do it.
Humans love to categorize things because it helps us make sense of the world. Dealing with things in siloes makes them more manageable. In reality, everything is interconnected.
Exploring Possibilities, Building Connections
Enrichment activities break down walls. As the name suggests, they make your university experience “richer”. Enrichment is all about learning through experience, experimentation and play outside the classroom. It’s a core part of students’ time at AIHM. AIHM’s enrichment programmes are after-school activities designed by students, for students to create community and provide opportunities to try new things, explore and develop interests outside the walls of the classroom.
Through enrichment activities, you start to see the big picture. You make connections between subjects. You have fun. You think outside of the box. You stumble upon new ways of doing things and new perspectives.
Another reason enrichment is so important: enrichment activities build community. Through enrichment programmes, students form connections and build social and emotional skills. Sure, you get to know your fellow students within the classroom, but it’s the moments outside of class that offer the strongest bonding experiences.
Student Affairs: Your Partner in Enrichment
Every semester Student Affairs organises enrichment activities in consultation with the Student Voice representatives. Activities depend on your areas of interest. Students are invited to meet exciting guest speakers and try out new creative endeavours while encountering new facets of the hospitality business. Building bonds while having fun is central to the enrichment experience at AIHM. The possibilities are limitless!
Types of enrichment activities include:
- Encouraging Movement through Sports & Recreation
- Enhancing Our Community with CSR Activities
- Broadening Your Cultural Awareness
- Practicing Mindfulness and Wellness
- Exploring Creativity through the Arts
- Developing Your Global Mindset
- Cultivating Your Service Mindset
As we brainstorm and design our enrichment programme, we make sure our Every Student Matters agenda is embedded within each activity. That means every activity reflects the following principles: Being Healthy, Staying Safe, Enjoying and Achieving, Making a Positive Contribution, and Achieving Economic Well-being. Student Affairs is dedicated to making sure all students have an amazing university experience.
Lifelong Enrichment
AIHM’s enrichment activities can be a lot of fun, but they also set the stage for successful futures. Our enrichment programme helps students develop positive long-term attitudes to discovery and learning.
What exactly is it that these activities “enrich”? Your knowledge. Your skills. Your wellbeing. Your network. And yes, your financial potential. The lessons you learn in these outside-the-classroom, boundary-breaking activities prepare you for a career in the real, possibility-filled, interconnected world where you’ll make your mark as you establish your career and start building a track-record of professional or entrepreneurial successes.
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