How to Improve Your English

“I am not confident.” “It is so difficult.” “I do not understand.” These are some of the most common sentences I hear when people talk about learning English.
I often ask people, “Do you speak English?”
“No, I do not,” comes the answer. My reply: “Well you just understood me and answered in English!”
Learning any new language can be challenging, and English is no exception. It is important not to be overwhelmed by the learning process. Learning happens in stages. We must walk before we can run. Do not feel as if your English must become perfect overnight. As long as you are improving, you are on the right path.
You may be required to take a test—such as IELTS—as part of your educational or work journey. These tests have set formats, and you may wish to take a preparation course to help you succeed. No matter what your English learning goal is, confidence will help you improve your communication abilities. Here are several tips to help you feel more confident and unlock your English language skills:
5 Tips to Improve Your English
1. Do not be scared.
Let us consider the fact I came to Thailand with no Thai. When I try to communicate in Thai, even a few words, people’s face light up. They are happy to see someone trying. The same thing is true with English. If you try to speak in English, it is appreciated. People are here to help and support, not judge you. You will not be stopped mid-sentence because you used the wrong tense. Meaning is the key. If people can understand your key message, then you are on the right path.
2. Describe, describe and describe some more.
This is one technique I always recommend students to consider. Use adjectives more often; they are your friend. The more you paint the picture by using words that describe, the easier it is for the reader or listener to understand what you want to say. This will also aid you in the academic world, as much schoolwork relies on providing evidence to support your ideas.
3. Visual and audio learning are great tools.
Everyone learns in different ways. Two of these are visual (through images) and auditory (through sound).
These days, most people spend many hours watching content on social media— TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and other apps. Rather than watching the videos in your own language, start watching them in English. It always amazes me how many students can sing a song in English or repeat some crazy new online challenges, but they keep saying they don’t know how to speak English. Exposure to words and sounds will help you get a feeling for the language.
Watch or read the news in English. This will not only help you gain a better understanding of the world, but the language used is often very precise and clear. English-language news is written in clear English to allow people to fully understand the story. Improving your general global knowledge by watching the news can also aid you in your academic studies and career by making you more informed.
4. Remember non-verbal communication.
Facial expressions and body language help us to communicate our messages. A lot of communication is expressed not in our words but through our faces and actions. Try to focus on this when speaking. If you are giving some good news, look happy. If you are talking about your birthday, looked excited. If you need to have a serious conversation, keep a neutral appearance. How you present yourself will help the audience understand your message.
5. Lastly, just have fun and do not overthink.
Find some friends at school, work or online. Then practice together. Set yourself some challenges or goals. Use technology. There are so many games, applications and tools online to aid you as you progress. Nothing beats just talking though. Every day try to speak some English. The saying is true; practice makes perfect.
Take time. Build up your skills piece by piece. Do not feel like every sentence has to be perfect. Be comfortable in your own learning. As you continue to practice, you will continue to improve.
Do You Want to Improve Your English?
Are you ready to upgrade your English? Do you need to improve your IELTS scores? Do you want to enhance your English for the hospitality industry?
Discover AIHM’s iHELP (Intensive Hospitality English Language Programme) course. Benefit from personalised learning customised to your needs. Each student enjoys an individualised assessment of their English language skills and a learning programme tailored to their personal growth areas. Find out more about the iHELP English course now.