Accelerate Your Career with AIHM’s Marketing Mastery Certificate

AIHM’s Marketing Mastery Certificate

Imagine that you are holding the steering wheel of a race car, speeding down the track with the engine roaring.  As you accelerate at incredible speed, the wind soars around you and the air smells electric. One of your competitors is gaining on you. Then you rush ahead.

Another competitor approaches from the left. You swerve and the tires screech. Just as you start to spin out of control, you use a skillful recovery move and you’re back on track.

The pressure is intense. Every twist and turn demands full attention. To stay sharp you must anticipate every move and adapt to the ever-changing conditions of the race. 

It’s a thrilling experience, but to stay in the race —and to stay ahead of the competition—your skills need to be honed, your knowledge of the track has to be in top form, and your ability to react and modify your course of action has to be on point.

Now shift gears from the race track to your desk.


As a marketing professional (or anyone whose job involves marketing), your daily experience often mirrors that high-stakes car race. You can be racing ahead, and then a new technology joins the arena. Just when you’ve mastered one platform, another one appears. Algorithms change. Customer behaviours shift. Competitors launch innovative campaigns. It’s constant race to stay ahead, and the pressure can be powerful.

Rev Up Your Marketing Skills

I love technology for what it can do for us when we understand the capabilities. In our courses that focus on marketing our learners will gain the latest techniques and strategies to make a great impact. Still, the rapid pace of the industry can be challenging. Our experts are constantly studying and analysing the latest trends. They network with experts in a diversity of marketing subfields. To stay updated with industry developments, they adopt a lifelong learning mindset. It is hard work and at the same time, we know it’s worth it.

Like the adrenaline rush of competing and succeeding in a race, understanding the latest trends in marketing can be exciting—and fulfilling. Inspired by this, we are excited to announce AIHM Executive Education’s new Marketing Mastery Certificate. This certification is a tool that you can use to hone your skills and demonstrate the work you’ve put into mastering the latest in marketing techniques.


By completing the three weekend courses in the most important subfields of online marketing, you’ll be up-to-date in the need-to-know skills and topics for contemporary marketers.

If you’re like our experts, many of these skills and topics weren’t in the curriculum when you completed your Bachelor’s degree or MBA. Maybe they were, but they’ve evolved so much since then, that it’s time to upskill.

So what does the Marketing Mastery Certificate entail?

Full-Throttle Marketing: Upgrade Your Skills for the Digital Race

You’ll earn the Marketing Mastery Certificate after completing the following three Executive Education courses:

  1. Digital Content Marketing
  2. Brand Marketing and Content Creation
  3. Hotel Digital Marketing and Distribution

Each course lasts two days—Saturday and Sunday—and you can complete them in any order, learning with experts in their fields.

Digital Content Marketing

Learn to create and implement a comprehensive inbound marketing strategy that attracts and engages customers through valuable content. Master content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing and SEO to increase bookings and repeat business. Your facilitator is AIHM’s COO Chris Meylan. He empowers leaders like you to create success by giving each individual participant personalised support throughout his weekend courses.


Brand Marketing and Content Creation

Waichue Sebastian Solachinda is a seasoned marketer known for driving the business growth of hotel properties for some of the biggest international hotel brands. He’ll guide you in understanding the key components of brand marketing—from brand architecture to strategic content pillars. You’ll update your skills for developing compelling visual and written content that resonates with your audience and drives brand loyalty.


Hotel Digital Marketing and Distribution

Digital marketing expert and educator Siddhesh Gawde invites learners to master techniques to optimise your online presence and manage OTA channels effectively. Gain or upgrade your expertise in the principles of website design, Google Analytics, Google Ads and social media advertising. Understand the latest necessary tactics to boost your hotel’s bookings and grow your revenue.


How to Register

You can register for any of these three upcoming courses. There’s no need to apply for the Marketing Mastery Certificate; it will be awarded to learners who complete all three courses.

Not sure if the Mastery Certificate is for you? That’s okay. Enroll in the course you need now and come back for the other sessions as the year progresses.

All three of these sessions will be held at our AIHM Bangkok campus located within the beautiful Avani+ Riverside Bangkok Hotel.

We offer a full range of industry-relevant courses in marketing as well as other business fields—from finance fundamentals to entrepreneurship to revenue management. Want to see all the workshops? Click here to see our full course portfolio and the course schedules for both our Bangkok and Pattaya campuses.

We look forward to supporting you as you accelerate your career!
