Mixology: Student Experiments in Innovation and Creativity

Mixology: Student Experiments in Innovation and Creativity

AIHM’s hospitality management curriculum takes students on an exhilarating journey. One of its highlights: the Practical Arts semester. A hands-on exploration of hotel operations, the Practical Arts course invites students to experience a variety of hotel areas from the work of the baristas to housekeeping to events management studies.

Students explore the world of wine through their oenology studies. They try their hand at the culinary arts, discover the intricacies of fine dining service, and experiment with pastry making. Studying the mixology profession, Practical Arts students begin to understand the intersections of menu creation, customer service and operations management.

The goals of students’ hands-on learning in the Practical Arts course are threefold:

  1. To Understand How a Hotel Works

Hospitality management students get to discover the range of front-of-house departments, the various responsibilities of each department’s team, and start to understand how the functions of all these departments impact each other and fit together as a total business operation. For students who aspire to a career in hotel management, these experiences are vital to understanding the big-picture and the diverse job responsibilities they will one day oversee.


  1. To Explore Hospitality Career Paths

These hands-on courses allow students to explore major subfields of the hospitality industry. This semester may be when students realise they have a future ahead of them as a manager or entrepreneur in a hospitality specialty such as events management or food & beverage management.

  1. To Develop Vital Business Skills

AIHM helps students develop the skills to succeed in the hospitality industry and the wider business world. The Practical Arts semester offers numerous opportunities for students to flex their creativity, leadership, communication and collaboration skills.

AIHM BBA student Sandi Davies shares her mixology experience below. She discusses her creative process for designing her own signature cocktail—reflecting on consumer expectations, experimenting with the balance of flavours and other sensory elements, considering presentation, thinking about season, moving from classics to innovations, etc.

In Sandi’s careful attention to detail, you can see the thoughtfulness and warm spirit AIHM seeks to cultivate in its graduates. Enjoy her recipe and the story of its creation.



My Mixology Experience

Immersing myself in the world of mixology was an incredible experience filled with captivating insights and hands-on experimentation. We had the opportunity to experiment with various spirits,  ingredients and techniques, crafting unique and delicious cocktails. From learning classic recipes to exploring innovative flavour combinations, every      moment was a delightful adventure. The class not  only enhanced my knowledge of mixology but also ignited a newfound passion for crafting exquisite drinks, leaving me eager to continue my journey in the art of cocktail creation.


Creating “Passion Purity”

We were given the exciting challenge of concocting our own signature drink, an experience that brought opportunity to refine my newfound mixology skills and indulge in flavour experimentation. Prior to concocting my drink, I took a moment to meticulously plan both the presentation and taste of the drink. Carefully considering season, I put myself in the shoes of a consumer, contemplating what would truly delight their senses.

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As a result, my signature drink consisted of passionfruit, lemon, mint and club soda. The vibrant tang of passionfruit, zesty burst of lemon, and subtle hint of mint created a harmonious flavor. The effervescence of the club soda added a sparkling touch, making each sip refreshing.

My drink also featured a blend of gin and vodka, elevating its complexity. The gin contributed distinctive botanical notes, infusing the drink with an herbal and fragrant essence. Meanwhile, the vodka provided smoothness. Together, they formed a balanced base for the vibrant flavours of passionfruit, lemon and mint to flourish. The result was an exquisitely crafted and memorable drink that refreshed, revitalized and showcased a captivating symphony of flavours for diverse palates.

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The world of mixology is an ever-evolving realm of creativity, where there are infinite possibilities to discover and share. With each cocktail crafted, I find myself inspired to push boundaries, experiment with new flavours, and create unforgettable experiences through the art of mixology. The journey has just begun, and I am excited to continue on this path of passion, flavour and endless possibilities.

Explore a Career in Hospitality Management

Let your own creativity soar. Prepare yourself for an exciting career practicing the art and business of hospitality with AIHM’s Bachelor’s Degree in Global Hospitality Management.

Alternatively, study the Practical Arts when you enrol in our 1.5-year Certificate in Hotel Administration.

Both education tracks allow you to experiment in mixology and much more as you make your first steps toward a rewarding and fulfilling career in one of Asia’s fastest growing industries.