Why Is English So Important?

Here at AIHM students learn in English during their time with us. Whether studying the BBA degree in Global Hospitality Management or one of our certificate courses, all modules are conducted in English. Some people may wonder why we conduct our courses in English even though we’re based in Thailand. This is a very fair question. The answer: well, there are a number of important reasons.
1. The English language is a key pillar of global education.Would you be surprised to know that out of the 195 countries of the world that are recognised by the United Nations, the overwhelming majority—that is, 70% or 138 countries—have English as part of their core curriculum at school? A further 40 countries offer English as an option. In total, 178 countries either feature English as part of students’ compulsory studies or as an option for study.
Projection map by Flourish team. Greyed-out countries are English-dominant. An interactive version can be found here: https://public.flourish.studio/visualisation/7785913/
2. English the most common language in the world.
In 2023, around 1.5 billion people speak English natively or as a second language, ahead of Mandarin with 1.1 billion speakers, and far ahead of the third-most common language, Hindi at 609.5 million people.
As you can see by these numbers, English is the language of international communication. No matter what your native language is, speaking English will allow you to communicate with people from other countries all over the world. It’s highly likely the people you will encounter from those countries have some form of English language skills as well.
3. English is the leading language in the workplace.
We live in an increasingly globalised economy where English is the mainstay. This shared language allows for learning, research and development across borders and facilitates innovation and success. From academia to science to business to medicine, English language plays a vital role in sharing knowledge, communicating and collaborating.
One great example of the importance of English in business worldwide is the airline industry. Every time you step on an aircraft, messages will be conveyed in a number of languages but will always include English. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) developed an international standard for English proficiency. All pilots and air traffic controllers must have a Level 4 (Operational Level) of English, based on tests in vocabulary, structure, pronunciation, fluency, comprehension and interaction.
In many workplaces, the use of English—speaking, reading, listening and writing—is essential for everything from reading company accounts to simply sending an email.
4. Knowing English opens the door to more entertainment and enjoyment.
One thing I hear a lot from students is that they learn English from movies or music. As I mentioned in a previous blog post on How to improve your English, this is a great way to aid your learning. Hollywood movies are famous worldwide. English-language songs delight people all around the globe.
Not only will improving your English enable you to enjoy more movies and other forms of media; you can also start to gain more knowledge of culture through these channels. It is also worth noting that 52% of internet pages are written in English so think about the massive amount of information and entertainment English proficiency opens up for you online!
5. English lets you expand your horizons.
Achieving a higher level of English will make you more confident. It can give you the confidence to go out and explore a world, which in the past you may have been more nervous about. Whether you use your English language skills to travel, to make new friends, to find new business partners, to further your education or to explore your interests and passions, English helps you expand your horizons.
The English language is a powerful tool. It’s like a key unlocking possibilities and opportunities.
How Can You Improve Your English Quickly?
Given that English is so important, improving your English is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your future.
The most effective learning happens when you’re having fun. Good teachers know how to engage their students, how to make learning enjoyable and how to help students progress more quickly with interactive learning.
At AIHM for example, our English for Business and Academic Studies (EBAS) course creates a high-powered learning environment with frequent use of interactive learning stations. Students spend their class time exploring activities around the room and practicing different skills—listening, speaking, reading and writing. We also create a sense of community. Students get to know each other and build beneficial relationships while working toward a shared goal.
If learning feels like a chore, you can still make progress. But it will be slow, and you won’t have much fun in the process. Instead, find a course, a teacher or learning activities that excite you. As your English develops and increases, so will the number of opportunities available to you. English truly is a global language. The stronger your English becomes, the more you’ll be able to explore all the world has to offer!
Do You Want to Improve Your English?
AIHM’s fun, 15-week EBAS (English for Business and Academic Studies) course offers a fantastic way to improve your English. The course is designed to take your English to the next level so you can continue your education or improve your ability to succeed in the business world.
Do you dream of working in the hospitality industry? English is the language to know if you want to succeed in the hotel business. EBAS is a great choice for fine-tuning your English and building the confidence to express yourself with ease.
Explore the EBAS English course now! Download the EBAS flyer; CLICK HERE!